Friday, September 20, 2019

Any Games Change Your Life Philosophy?

I created a zine called, "The Raps That Made Me". I enjoyed putting together all those songs, and I'll probably create a second one, but at the moment I have a video game based zine to line up more with the 8BitCubist and my gaming side. It's called "The Games That Made Me".

Here are the current games I'm thinking about including (maybe 40 total?):

  1. Mario Bros (arcade)
  2. Super Mario Bros
  3. Mike Tyson’s Punch Out
  4. Street Fighter 2
  5. Zanac
  6. River City Ransom
  7. The Legend of Zelda
  8. Metal Gear
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog
  10. Super Bomberman 2
  11. Super Mario Kart
  12. Final Fantasy VII
  13. Final Fantasy III
  14. Eternal Darkness
  15. Fez
  16. Metal Gear Solid
  17. Resident Evil: Code Veronica
  18. Tetris
  19. Snake Rattle 'N' Roll
These publications are a little view into the games that have stuck with me to the point where they changed my life in some appreciable way. They were more than just classics. 
So many memories...

Any particular life-changing game titles for you?

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