Friday, March 13, 2020

Malcolm X Gonna Give It To Ya

Note: I sent this message out earlier in February, but should have turned it into a blog post back then. Here it is now as late as it wants to be.

As we close out Black History Month, I am releasing "X.1" as an 8BitCubist print. It's a reminder of the enigmatic and controversial figure known as Malcolm X, who unapologetically fought for freedom from racism while in the crosshairs of opposition from numerous forces. His story is also an interesting one of religion and culture. I didn't want to do much else but make a simple statement with this one.

See, the game doesn't always have a happy ending, but must be played to completion to the best of your ability. It's also probably your favorite button.

Love him or not, if you haven't seen the Malcolm X film by Spike Lee, then you should have watched that by now.
You can find that link here:

This new print, "X.1" was released on

- Mr Benja -

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