Monday, June 22, 2020

Have You Made Your Mid 2020 Resolutions Yet?

As you may recall, I'm pretty big on New Years' Resolutions. It's serious business for me. I break out the legal pad, the calendar, the pens, the highlighters and clear the whiteboards. It's a multi-week process that starts well before the New Year.

Well...2020 is a little different. This year, I had to stop and reconsider everything. I couldn't rely on the people around me behaving the same, and *I* certainly wasn't going to behave the same. While my overall goal is still in place, the landscape has changed drastically. So now is the time to adapt. It's not feasible for me to just struggle through the year as if everything was going to be the same.

So I'm pulling out the half-used legal pad, the 6 month calendar, the dirty highlighter, and using the remaining space on the whiteboard. It's time to get to working out the next steps. Because I'll be damned if I don't make the most of the situation.

It's like the wise Mike Tyson said about planning...

- Mr Benja -

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